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AFF’s 7th Influencer Tour Highlights Important Work of Produce Farmers and Farm Workers

The Alliance for Food and Farming (AFF) hosted its seventh Safe Fruits and Veggies Farm Tour for registered dietitians, health and nutrition writers and social influencers on August 12, 13 and 14 featuring crops on the Central Coast of California. Participants visited strawberry, citrus and vegetable farms, toured a citrus packing facility as well as learned […]

Studies, Government Data Discredit “Dirty Dozen” List

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE March 18, 2024 Contact: Teresa Thorne Studies, Government Data Discredit “Dirty Dozen” List (Watsonville, CA) Peer reviewed research published in the Journal of Toxicology found that the recommendation in the “Dirty Dozen” list to substitute organic forms of produce for conventional does not result in any decrease in risk for consumers because residues […]

LeMay New AFF Chair

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact:  Teresa Thorne or (831) 786-1666 At its Management Board meeting on January 10, the Alliance for Food and Farming (AFF) elected Ian LeMay, Incoming President of the California Table Grape Commission, as its new Chair.  The Board also recognized Kate Tynan, Senior Vice President of the Northwest Horticultural Council, for […]

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